Rabu, 21 Oktober 2020

Do people like their first names?

Name: Puspita Firahmahira
Class: 3E
NPM: 1910631060122

Before you read
  1. D
  2. E
  3. D
  4. E
  5. E
  6. D

After you read

A. Write the number of paragraph
  • a. 3
  • b. 1
  • c. 2

B. Read the words in italics in the reading
  1. F
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. G
  6. A
  7. E

C. Answer the question
  1. If a girl, i will give her name Renaya Varsha Razeta. I chose this name because it sounds cute, and has meaning in it. Renaya means faithful and loving, expected to have the same personality as her name means. Varsha means rain, because I like the rainy season. And Razeta means flower, because it has the same meaning as my name, Puspita. If a boy, i will give his name Raka Pramudya Alsheiraz. Because the name sounds manly and has meaning in it. Raka means full moon, because i like full moon. Pramudya means smart, expected to be a smart person as his name means. And alsheiraz means the sweetest thing, not only handsome, but he also has a sweet face.
  2. Boys: Harry, William, Brian. Because these name is kinda cool, and one of them is my idol's name. Girls: Katherine, Elena, Stephanie. Because these name kinda feels elegant and so pretty.
  3. Puspita Firahmahira will change to be Fira Mahira Puspita. Because i want Fira's name in the first name and I don't like the name of Fira to have an "H" alfabet and then to be associated with Mahira until it became "Firahmahira". Why? Because some people are having a hard time reading my very complicated name!
But underneath it all, Firahmahira's not such a bad name for me. Because this name has quite a lot of meaning. It starts with the name Fira, that means good, polite, and vehement. Rahma which means being given a lot of blessings, loyalty. Mahira, which means highly trained, skilled, talented, clever. And the last one is Hira, which means diamonds. This could happen because the name of Firahmahira has many syllables. Firah-mahira and Fi-rahma-hira.

I'm so proud of my names!

By the way, I asked my mom "why is there an 'H' in Fira's name?" then my mom answered because she wanted to add Rahma's name on my name, but it should to be a different pattern (anti mainstream). Besides, my mother was very fond of India. So according to her, the name of Firahmahira is like an Indian name. And also I just recognized, that my mother also had Rahma's name on her last name. It looks like my mother want to add her name on my name.

Alright, I'm gonna start crying now...!

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2020

Naming Traditions

Name: Puspita Firahmahira

Class: 3-E

NPM: 1910631060122

 2,4,6,5  1. Different naming traditions used by people around the world
      5      2. Different naming traditions in the United States
   4,5,7   3. Reasons why some people's name are hard to remember
   2 & 6   4. What happens to a woman's name when she gets married

After you read

A. Who do you think the text was written for? Check (✅) the correct answer.
            1. People who are coming to the United States for the first time
     2. People who are going to a non-English speaking country
  ✅_3. American who are living in a foreign country
            4. American who are living in the United States

B. Write the correct name
1. Lee Hyun Ju is from Korea. Her fiance's name is An Ho Jae
    What is her name now? Ms. Or miss Lee
    What is his name? Mr. An
    What will her name be after she marries? Ms. or Mrs. Lee
2. Tomoko Kato is from Japan. Her fiance's name is Hideo Suzuki.
    What is her name now? Ms. or Miss Tomoko
    What is his name? Mr. Hideo
    What will her name be after she marries? Ms. or Mrs. Hideo Kato
3. Guadalupe Gomez is from Mexico. Her fiance's name is Emilio Rodriguez.
    What is her name now? Ms. or Miss Guadalupe Gomez
    What is his name? Mr. Emilio Rodriguez
    What will her name be after she marries? Ms. or Mrs. Guadalupe Gomez de Rodriguez

C. Answer these questions.
1. Who do you call by their first name? Who calls you by your first name? Who do you call only by their last name? 
2. How would your name be different in the other countries mentioned in the reading? 
3. What would you tell a foreign visitor about the naming traditions in your country?

1. -Some of my friends. Why did I say some, not all? Because some of my friends want to be called their middle name or nickname.
    -My high school friends, my college friends, and someone who older than me.
    -Someone I knew and called her last name only my friend named Tasya. Well, actually that's a nickname, not a last name. I don't have someone I'd call with his or her last name.

2. -In South Korea, my name will be changed to 3 syllables. It's Lee Fira. Fira was taken from my nicknames, and Lee was taken because the surname is more likely to be discussed by Fira's name. Or it could just be taken from my first name, which is Puspita because the name has three syllables.
    -In United States, the surname comes at the end. But since I don't have a surname, maybe I'll use my mom's last name. And may name will be change as Puspita Rahmawati. Why I take mom's name because my dad doesn't have a last name. My father's name is only Zulfiar. Well, actually I can use my father's name, but just only take two syllables. And then, my name will be Puspita Fiar. Well, that's a pretty good name!
    -In Japan, my name will also be accompanied by surnames. For example, my name will be Puspita Fiar. If I get married, then my first name will change to my husband's first name. For example, I married a man named Watanabe Haruto. Then my name will be change to Watanabe Fiar.
    -In Mexico, my name won't change. My name is still the same as my real name, Puspita Firahmahira.

3. I'll tell them that in Indonesia there is no traditional name. Let's just say Indonesia is free to give names to their children. Want to add a surname? It can. Didn't want to add a surname? It also can.