Jumat, 28 Mei 2021

Article Resume: Innovation of Education and Educational Innovations in Conditions of Modern Higher Education Institution






Limits of growth of modern civilization are determined by education, its quality and accessibility. In conditions of growing dynamics of social and economic transformation practice requires the working out of the new forms for educational and social adaptation, optimization of the interests of the state and the individuality in the society of knowledge that appears daily. Global processes became the subject of studying various, especially social sciences. Innovative processes in the system of education provide variation and personality oriented trend of the educational process, so that the knowledge, skills and abilities of students are transformed into a means of developing their cognitive and personal qualities, competence to ensure their ability to be the subject of innovative professional activities. The purpose of the journal is to analyze different approaches to the interpretation of educational innovations and innovations in education, and argumentation of actuality of innovation development in higher education institution.


Education and science are deeply integrated into the economy, social life, and their level significantly affects the quality of life and the possibility of constant development both a separate country in particular and the international community in general. Therefore, science and skilled staff are recognized in Europe to be the decisive factor in achieving the goals of internationalization of the educational process: to make European education more competitive, dynamic, and able to ensure sustainable growth, employment of the population and social cohesion. The main task of higher education system is to ensure the continuous training of human resources for profitable use in constantly changeable conditions of formation global market space.

Effectiveness of the education system depends on a number of internal factors; they are resource base, human resources, forms of operation. At that the adequacy of the education system with the requirements of the national economy, the population in general and individuals play an important role. This need not only updates the quantitative growth of the sphere, but also qualitative shift towards innovative component of education. Thus, one could confirm that the education market is one of the most important elements of the national innovation system. Higher education institutions that have chosen an innovation-based development, become competitive leaders on the education market. Since only innovative HEIs (higher education institutions) are able to adapt to change quickly, innovation is becoming a major factor in their competitiveness in the market.

Regarding higher education we should distinguish between the concepts of “educational innovation” and “innovation in education”. Innovation in education is a broader concept than educational innovation. They include educational, scientific and technological, infrastructural, economic, social, legal, administrative and other innovations. Scientific and technological innovations are the result of research and development in the shape of intellectual property and are transferred for implementation and application in production. Social innovations include social support for students and university teachers, creating safe conditions for study as well as extracurricular activities of students, formation of socially responsible HEI.

Educational innovations are any purpose-oriented activity, organizational solutions, system, process or method of implementation of educational activities that significantly differ from the established practice and are first used in the institution and are aimed at improving the efficiency of functioning and the development of organization in a competitive environment.

Educational innovations include:

  1. Pedagogical innovation: the change of style in teaching and the organization of the educational process

  2. Scientific and methodological innovation: updating the content of educational programs in accordance with the best domestic and foreign counterparts

  3. Education and technological innovation: use of new or improved learning technologies

  4. Educational innovations: the content of the curriculum

  5. Administrative (managerial) innovation: support for innovative university structure

  6. Ideological innovation: university participating in the programs, competitions and other events held with the participation of government institution

  7. Availability of state order for specialist training from line ministries; the presence of mechanisms of interaction between universities and the labor market.

According to philosophers and sociologists’ opinion, innovation education is a purposeful process of education and person innovative study; it should facilitate the development of his creative skills, self-learning skills, that is to form his intellectual capital. Characteristic of innovative educational models is shown in the figure:


So, the main components of an innovative HEI can be outlined. They are:

  1. Introduction of innovative technologies in educational process

  2. Improving the system of organization and management of higher education institution

  3. Student-centered educational process

  4. Increasing of qualification of stuff potential of higher education

  5. Conducting marketing work to expand the education market and meet the needs of consumers.

  6. Formation of the appropriate economic mechanism that will make it possible to obtain additional financial resources and use their savings

  7. Development of own research capacity, implementation of scientific research and production of scientific and innovative products

Technology transfer, close cooperation with the business sector, implementation of research results into production and the vital activity of society is prerequisite for successful innovational HEI.


I chose this article because the title of the article is quite confusing, it makes me interested in reading the contents, and I am also curious about the difference between Innovation of Education and Educational Innovations. In addition, nowadays it is increasingly modern, we as educators must think about an educational system that follows the times and requires us to keep up with new technological developments. Especially in this field of higher education. Higher education can be the forerunner or determinant of whether the country will become a developed country or not. The production of quality human resources mostly comes from higher education.


The more the population, the more buildings and educators we need. In my opinion, Indonesia must have a class with a maximum of 20 students. So that teacher can be maximal in teaching these 20 students. To be honest, I still often find teachers careless, lazy to teach, or lazy to check student worksheets one by one because there are too many students in one class. So the anticipation is to reduce the maximum number of students to 20 people. So that these students can sit at one table one person like schools in South Korea and Japan.

Name: Puspita Firahmahira

Class: 4E

NPM: 1910631060122

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